Good day gentleman,
After years of ingrown hairs, gross pimples, and just general discomfort with a variety of different cartridge razors I made the plunge to a straight. Being true to my Manitoba roots, I do not like to spend a lot of money. Being an artist I like to support makers of all sorts. These two facts combined brought me to, where I found an affordable straight razor from the UK (it says imperial on the blade, but I am doubting it is an actual imperial blade) that is so far giving a decent shave.

I have now been using it for about 2 weeks now and I think I have FINALLY got results that I like. Being the cheap man I am the money I saved let me buy a norton 4/8k stone, which was very much needed. After about 4 honing sessions I have acquired a pattern and feel for the honing stone that is actually giving me a decent edge now. It took a little bit of time but I think I finally got it down, thanks to many threads and videos here.

I am not one for fragrances for the most part, but I enjoy the soothing sensation from a good moisturizing aftershave. After a quick google search I found a few simple recipes for a good pre shave oil and aftershave splash. With my "home brew" aftershave, pre shave oils, and a homemade soap that I also found on I finally feel awake in the morning after my shave and have found a scent that I am happy with.

I am looking forward to some of the many discussions here and sharing my experience in the bitter, dry, and cold Manitoba. So far the switch to straight has eliminated the ingrown hairs, lets see if my home brew oils and splashes will help with the Manitoba climate.

Thanks and nice to meet you all!
- Fred