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Thread: Hello from the netherlands ^^/

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Smile Hello from the netherlands ^^/

    Hello Fellow gentlemen ,

    My name is not really important, technonine for now. Im 17 years old and live in the netherlands.
    As of writing this... I think it has been an hour now since I had my first shave with a real straight razor.

    My personal shaving history, for who wonders how I started, Is pretty much starting out with a machine, then one day at a scouting camp, Me and my friends decided to shave with our pocket knifes out of shere boredom. It started as a joke but I found that with A basic soap bar and a (modified) brush, its more fun then shaving with a machine. I started again 2 months ago after having obtainted a japanese knife which happened to be sharp enough to shave with, an old leather belt, a mug, still a modified painting brush and a bar of soap. 2 months of practise, cuts and learning later I decided to make the jump, in terms of money, to a real straight with proper equipment. I bought a vintage razor from the '30s from a shave/barbershop where it was professionally restored and honed before sale, along with a small (30 cm or 10") long stropping belt and a serious pig hair brush (shaving brush).

    Being a scout and having over 2 years of practice in sharpening and maintaining pocket knifes (with great care) I do have experience in sharpening knifes or razors on wetstones and stropping (with a leather belt). the essentials are the same as far as I found.

    Result: It felt like heaven, more so because the essential technique wasn't that different, just the knife.

    Lastly, I want to really thank everyone who contributed to this site. I read up on a lot of stuff that helped me get an insight and make the choice in going straight.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Well 17 year old no name, hopefully you will get better equipment to shave with than a pocket knife, this is a pleasure with the right tools so have fun, by the way at 17 I thought I knew everything too. Tc
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Sounds like you have the right tools now and a pro honed blade.

    Razor sharpening is a bit different from a knife and requires a lot more finesse. Not saying you can't do it but it will be a while before you get decent at it. You will also find where most knife sharpening finishes is where razors are just starting to get sharp.

    Have a good read through the site there is plenty of information but any questions feel free to ask. Good luck with your shaves
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    Hello, and welcome !!
    We have no control of what other people do or say to us, but we have control to how we REACT !! GOD BLESS

  5. #5
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP technonine!! Starting Posts like this so soon after starting your Wet Shaving Journey will be very helpful to you in the future as you can come back to these Posts and see exactly where/how it all started!

    Kudos to you for just jumping right in! As has already been stated, Razor Honing is somewhat different, more meticlous compared to Knife Sharpening. My background is similar to yours and I "honed" my first razor on a Spyderco Sharpmaker then shaved... While it did not actually peel my face off it was not even in the same galaxy as what I can do now with proper gear. Learning to Hone properly afterward has been the most fun and challenging time over the last few years and this is definitely the ?ight place to help take your new hobby in any direction you'd like!!

    Enjoy your Shaving Journey!


  6. #6
    Member toonboog's Avatar
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    Hi No-name,

    welcome to another dutchmen.
    Fotunately we have a fair share of knowledgeable shavingstores, that can supply you with both knowledge and equipment. (and quite a few good stories as most barbers have tons of them :-))

    What part of Holland are you from?
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Hi technonine & welcome aboard. As some have already mentioned, sharpening a straight razor is different from knives but you will learn that here. If you haven't done so yet, you might start with the Beginners Guide in the Library here & go from there. You will then have begun the journey to your destination to what you are seeking. Be patient, take your time & you will do just fine. It sounds like you have already started out in the right direction so just keep going. It is a pleasure to have you here. If you have any questions, just ask & you will get many answers.
    Good luck my friend.

  8. #8
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    Friesland, still looking around for good barbershops, luckily a couple had online stores allowing me to get all I initially need thnx for all the advice though, Ill sure be asking around ^^/

  9. #9
    Senior Member Kamp's Avatar
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    Hallo Technonine, from a fellow Straight shaver from Holland (Rotterdam) if you should want some advice or have any questions you can always PM me, mayby I have an answer
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Augustagj's Avatar
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    Good luck to you. Welcome.

    I have spent a good deal of time in the Netherlands, and really like it there. I wish you the best.

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