Hello everyone, I'm Matt.

I'm looking into getting into straight razor shaving. I had a teammate of mine give me a hair cut about a month ago and he finished it up with a straight razor. Best hair cut I've ever had. Got me to thinking that I should look into learning to shave with a straight razor.

I've read most of, if not all of the beginner stuff on here and I was curious about one thing. I generally keep a short beard at all times and when I do shave its primarily just my neck to keep a nice line on the bottom of the beard. I read in the beginners section to start up at your sideburns and only do that for the first few days and progress from there. Is it ok to start with the neck and learn from there? I've only been fully clean shaven once in the last 4 years so it's not usually a look I go for.

I also have not purchased anything yet but I was looking at the Dovo Bismarck to start with. I think it's a beautiful razor but is it a good razor to start with?
