I bought a beautiful straight edge and strop innocently thinking it would last me a lifetime. 6 months later, I discovered edges dull. At ~$30 per "professional" sharpening, I decided to swallow the blue pill and follow the white rabbit into the world of honing an edge.

My goodness this is a deep hole.

Intimidated by my expensive straight edge, I've been sharpening my kitchen knives as a way to get dirty and make mistakes before attempting my beloved straight razor. Thank goodness for YouTube and places like this as I tend to research as much as possible when I commit to something I'm interested in. That said, I'm a little into my second year after first getting the straight razor and still feel like I haven't quite landed with my feet on the ground. I'm still dizzy from the fall down the rabbit hole, but I hope to have a sense of direction and purpose soon.

So hello people of wonderland. Nice to meet you.