Hey all! In January I went clean shaven for the first time in about 15 years, which is my entire adult life and then some. In doing so, I have discovered something that probably was, at least partially, what drove me to beard-land in the first place (it's been so long I honestly can't remember); my skin does not react well to razors (at least not the cartridge variety).

It's not bad if I have a brand-new blade, but my whiskers must be like tree trunks (hence the tag), because I can only get like 3-4 shaves out of a razor cartridge before it starts getting ugly. I have a nice electric that doesn't bug my skin, but it doesn't get as close as I would like. I would love to be able to get a close shave without spending a fortune on razor cartridges, or living in permanent facial discomfort.

That combined with a possibility-unhealthy attraction to things that are the most difficult way to accomplish a given task (manual over automatic, Linux over windows/mac, upright bass over bass guitar) have led me here.