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Thread: Hello from SF Bay Area

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2017
    San Francisco Bay Area
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    Default Hello from SF Bay Area

    Hi guys - I'm an absolute newbie not just to straight razor shaving, but to wet shaving. The last time I used a non-electric razor was back in college, some 30 years ago. It wasn't enjoyable at all - cheap foam gel and disposable blade razors, lack of time, and a student's budget. Straight razor shaving caught my eye a couple of months ago as not just providing a better result but also as hobby and pampering exercise, and I started reading some of the forums and watching the basic tutorials.

    I finally decided to take the plunge and picked up a few essentials: a Dovo straight razor Carbon, a 24mm fan knot brush from Sterling Soap, a cheap 3" leather strop, shaving soap, aftershave balm, and a few knick-knacks. In retrospect, I should have first joined this forum and solicited some advice. I hope I haven't gone too far wrong.

    I should be receiving my razor today, and even though it's supposed to be "shave" ready, I understand that I should get it honed. I would prefer to take it to a honemeister instead of sending it by mail and waiting 2-3 of weeks for a turnaround. Unfortunately, I've not been able to find one in my area. I'll start going through the various forum posts and try contacting some experienced members for help on this issue.

    Meantime, it's a pleasure to join this forum and hope for some great exchanges.

  2. #2
    Member portlandrazorco's Avatar
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    Hi Bigleaf, welcome to the forums!

    It's great that you're taking the plunge and you've set yourself up well for success. If you haven't already, there's a lot worth reading around stropping, creating a lather, and your first shave in the Library link at the top of this page. Enjoy the study time, but especially the practice! It just gets better and better.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Welcome. Plenty of info and help here.
    You made a good choice on razor and getting it professionally honed. You didn't say where you bought it. If it was Straight Razor Design it will come a definite shave ready.
    Take your time and enjoy.

  4. #4
    Senior Member dshaves's Avatar
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    Welcome! First there is a lot of bad info out there and a lot of good info so be careful on the internet. Srp has helped me big time learning the good stuff from the bad and no BS too. When you get your stuff post a photo (I love pictures), and even if you made some bad equipment decisions these folks here will help you quickly get back on the right track in no time!
    engine46 likes this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member xiaotuzi's Avatar
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    Welcome, and good to have you here! Many good shaves are in store for you, keep learning and improving, ask questions and practice. Cheers!
    "Go easy"

  6. #6
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. As been siad, if by chance you bought your razor ar SRD then your good to go. As far as getting it honed, look up the member list here on the forum. You might find a member close to you. Be sure to check when the last time that member posted as he might not be a regular. If you find someone in the list, send him a pm. Lots of good folks and people that will hone if you want to mail it away but i understand. You want to shave now. Ha. We all did.

    Be sure to read the info in the library and for sure the stuff on newbie sha ers to the straight razor. This is something that take time and many sha es before it starts to get good. Just keep it up, ask questions, post up pics of your razor, just enjoy the trip. A year from now you will look back and think "why was i so scarred when i put this thing to my neck? Its no big deal."
    Have fun.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  7. #7
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Hi bigleaf, and welcome to SRP. I’m in Castro Valley. If you’re looking to get your razor honed locally, send me a PM.
    lz6, eddy79, dshaves and 3 others like this.

  8. #8
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Welcome, Bigleaf!

    I'm near Santa Rosa. Send me a PM if you are in the North Bay and need some help.

    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
    Lord Buckley

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.
    Laughter, Love, & Shaving

    ~ Celestino ~

  10. #10
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    And I'm in Pacifica (just off Skyline) and perfectly happy to help with honing, if that's closer to you than the other Bay Area folks.
    -Zak Jarvis. Writer. Artist. Bon vivant.

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