Hi, I've fallen deep, DEEP down the rabbit hole of Japanese knives and whetstones over the course of the last few years, and it seems to me that straight razors are a logical next step. So, on a whim, I bought an antique Spike razor, refurbished it a bit (there's another thread about that in the Workshop,) got a badger hair brush and some Williams soap, and have been having at it. I've slowly progressed to doing my entire face, other than right around the mouth, and really enjoy the calm of straight razor shaving. Plus, well, it's cool as hell, and gives me more things to sharpen. I'm looking forward to growing in this hobby, and despite having only had a handful of shaves, so far, I'm pretty happy with the closeness of the shave, in some spots anyway. Obviously, there's a lot of learning still to be done.