Hi I thought I would introduce myself.

I am Steve from Canada and I am really pleased I found this forum.

I am a complete newbie with a cut throat and my razor arrived this morning.

I bought a Dovo Astrale 5/8 shave ready from Classic Edge.

I just stared at it for a couple of hours then tried it on my arm. My goodness it was so sharp I got a bald spot.

I considered sending it back because I am too young to die but in the end I had a shower then gave it a go.

I found it really difficult to hold properly and had a pretty poor shave but I hope it will get better each day.

I do have a question though if I may. Is my styptic pencil supposed to go so pink?

I used shave oil and Henri et Victoria Congnac & cigars Shaving soap. If I can't use the razor I can wash with the soap cos it's lovely.