Hi and welcome. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction. Check out the shave library and beginner's section. There are helpful links and articles there that will help you along your way. If you don't find what you need you can always ask. Someone here will be glad to help. Probably a good idea to read the forum rules too just for information. Nothing really earth shattering really, just what you'd expect for the most part. One or two little things that you might not expect or think of like we don't give valuations here. Long story but the nitty gritty is that there are vendors here plus.many of us sell on auction sites too like eBay so it's a.conflict of interest. Seldom does a problem arise but it's a good idea to know what's expected.
Look around. Read lots of posts and enjoy. Oh, and post some pics of your gear. We love pictures here. Look forward to hearing from you.