
I just became a member! I have never used a straight razor or been shaved by a barber with one, but I have decided to jump in head-first!

I went to an antique shop yesterday and found a leather case from the back of a display. I opened the case and inside was an H. Boker & Co. razor with "King Cutter" on the blade. It did not look much used, only that the steel looked dull. I bought it for $25 and gave it a swipe with jewelers rouge and it shined beautifully. I think that it was good deal.

However, I digress, there was another razor there that was seemed well constructed and in perfect condition. It has the name "Kavall" on it. It was only $38 but I have never heard of the brand (I had heard of Boker). Is that a good brand? It was not on the "good razor" list on the website.

Thanks for the help!