Hello all,

I'm getting ready to jump into the straight razor experience. I swerved onto this web site after reading an article about a barber shop that still offers all the traditional services, from straight razor shaves to shoe shines. Who knew that folks were not only still shaving with the straight razor but that it's a practice that is growing and flourishing!

Sometime this week I'll be ordering a 6/8" Dovo and strop starter set from SRD. Although in my trade I've had plenty of practice sharpening and honing various tools, cutters, gravers, knives and the like, I've never stropped any tool before. It looks like learning to strop is a necessary skill to be learned in the Tao of the straight razor. I'm hoping that this old dog can still learn a new trick!

I started shaving 40 years ago in the DE era. My enjoyment of the shaving experience has been in a steady decline ever since the cartridge razors started sweeping the DE razors and blades right off the store shelves some 35 years ago. The Trac II comes to mind. I have to drag the razor in every direction and press down fairly hard to get a close shave. Not fun.

So, I'm looking forward to getting started. I have Lynn's DVD and spent some time reading the beginner's page. Any advice, corrections and encouragement will be gladly received.
