Dear all,
I just started shaving with straight couple of month ago and even though it came “shave ready” from the retailer, I never was quite satisfied with the results. It was more or less OK with going along the grain, but quite unbearable in going in opposite motion especially under the chin. I finally decided to try to hone it myself and got one of Naniva 8K superstoneы, assuming that I will add more as I go (coming from former USSR, I used to see my grandpa maintain his straight using just chrome-bases paste # 1 only

which gave him much better results than those DR I used to use at the time). Well,.. long story short, I tried to hone my razor today and it become somewhat sharper than it was before, in particular it easily cuts my head hear when I hold by the end, but slides off if I hold it by the root, it also gave me more comfortable shave than it was before. However, I managed to damage one side of the razor itself.

So, would you advise me on following questions:
1) Is the razor good enough if it cuts hanging hair w/ slight pull in one direction only (btw, it does not cut my daughter [hanging] hair in either direction, but easily cuts my mother in law gray hair in both direction)
2) How to undo the damage I did to the razor
3) And most importantly, what would you recommend to avoid this issue in the future