Hello Everyone,

After much deliberation and frustration with the cost and consequenses disposable cartridge razor shaving, I've decided to try out straight razor shaving.

I do quite enjoy a good shave, and the nostalgic photos of my grandfather shaving with a straight razor make me think it will be right up my alley.

That being said, I'd greatly apreciate some beginning advice. Most importantly, I'd like to know if it woud be a good idea to buy a nice and expensive razor considering my newbie status. I am more inclined to this option, becuase I do appreciate quality and I'd rather spend my money on a razor that will last a long time than a less quality razor that I'll have to replace after a while. I am a patient and meticulous person, so I'm willing to learn the intricacies of shaving/stropping in a responsible way that wont harm a quality razor. Also, I've recently recieved some birthday money, so finances aren't a big obstacle in choosing a razor. If this option seems wise, can anyone give me some suggestions as to which brands/models are both good for beginners and quality razors? I've been looking at the DOVO models, which are breathtaking--especially the Bismark. Am I out of my league with this one? Any thoughts on whether a new or a vintage/antique razor is best?

If the first option simply isn't wise, can anyone suggest an introductory razor for a reasonably inexpensive price? I've been seein some Fromm razors for a pretty good price--any thoughts on these?

I appreciate any feedback and I'm quite excited about embarking on this new adventure. Thanks!
