Hey there guys,
Doc reckons I should intro myself, being a newbie and all, and who am I to argue?

Well, not much to say really, nothing interesting anyhoot.
I used to dread shaving because it used to ruin my face, to the point where I wore trimmed stubble for years, no not like George Michael, more like Don Johnson from Miami Vice. . . wait, is that better or worse? I have very sensitive skin and it took me up to the age of 41 before I had an epiphany and realized that the multi bladed razors like Wilkinson Sword and Mach 3 were tearing my face to shreds because every stroke was equivalent to three or four with a single blade. That's when I decided to join the world of Straight Razor shaving, and I haven't looked back since, I actually enjoy shaving these days. I lock myself in the bathroom for a good forty minutes with a coffee, a rockin' CD and indulge in the ritual. I even shave at night so I can take as much time as I like. I've been doing it for about a year now, and, like most seem too, I've started collecting them. Mine is a modest collection but it's slowly growing as I learn more about them and the history.

So there you go, that's a wee bit about me.
Hello to you all and thanks for having me on board.