Hello, everyone! I'm actually on a couple of quests, and this seems to be a logical place to embark upon my sojourn.

I've had it with electric & cartridge razors. I used an electric for 20 years since I started shaving at 13, and switched to cartridges about 2 years ago. Electrics tore up my face, and cartridges only slightly less so. I've migrated to DE razors for day-to-day shaving, and my hope is to eventually move on to a straight, using my grandfather-in-law's old Wostenholm & Sons IXL razor:

I also have an antique store find -- an old Wade & Butcher -- that I'm trying to learn about since it has some interesting features and I know basically nothing about old razors. Hopefully I'll figure out what I have with these two, and how to restore them.

I just hope I don't get addicted to straights like I have my DE razors, and my knives, and...