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  1. #1
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    Default who shaves their head?

    I would like to try a straight razor to eventually be skilled enough to shave my head. I shave constantly and am sick of spending a fortune on safety razors. Is head shaving discouraged?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    I shave the top of my squash with whatever razor iam using that night, wedge , 1/4 hollow ,full hollow, its not a full head shave though, and when the rest of it falls out,then we'll go for the full head shave.Remember just the weight of the blade and no pressure and i do 2 passes,back to front then front to back. Smooth as a bowling ball!!!!

  3. #3
    Housebound Bum ! ianp1966's Avatar
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    Me ! i shave one pass with the straight then finish with a DE, as im not quite good enough to use the straight for both passes just yet, its quite easy once you've tried a few times just take your time and once you feel uncomfortable change razors and try again next time doing a bit more each time. You'll soon get there


  4. #4
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I shave my head and it's awwwwesome !!! Smooth as smooth can be ! Like Nessmuck says.....Just the weight of the blade is all that ya need. Let the blade do what it needs to. Fight it or try to make it do your bidding and it will teach you quickly ha ha .

  5. #5
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    I also shave my head with a straight. In addition to what's been said above, a good quality soap or cream is of huge importance; at least it is on my head.
    There are many good soaps for face shaving that are simply not slick enough to work well on my head.

    Also, plan on spending lots of time learning "the lay of the land". Don't shave areas that you aren't comfortable shaving. If you have problems with an area - stop. Be prepared to finish with a safety razor, or even a cartridge razor for awhile until you learn how to approach the different parts of your head.

    I've been doing it for about 9 months, and there are still times that I need to stop and use a safety razor.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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  7. #6
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    I think ill try in..umm..about 40 more years n see how much fuzz I would have left ;-)..good thought though!


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