Hello everyone. I have been reading the posts on this site for some time now and I have found them very helpful. Nonetheless I have am having a few problems which have persisted and I would like to have all of your considerable expertise brought to bear on it. First, a few particulars: My name is Mike and I would love to be able to shave with a straight razor. I'm sick of using the same razors that women and actors from "The Jersey Shore" use. 'Nuff said.
Here's the story: a few years ago I purchased a Fromm straight razor from a barber supply shop in California. The blade and box say "72R" on it and that is all. I was told it was "shave ready"...it wasn't. I've been trying to get the blade into a "shave ready" status since then. I began by getting a local knife/straight razor shop to hone the blade into what they assured me was a "hair cutting sharpness". I stropped the blade and tried shaving with it the next day. It was torture! I became curious and tried the hanging hair test on the blade: nothing. The hair just bent over the blade. I don't know much, but I can't consider that sharp enough to shave with.
Thinking that maybe it was my technique that was the problem, I purchased a Dovo Shavette disposable straight razor and tried shaving with that. The razor cut hair just fine. My technique was not perfect so my shave was not that great, but the Shavette definitely worked. I tried the hanging hair test on the Shavette and that worked. I feel it safe in assuming that although my technique is less than perfect, that isn't the greatest problem I'm having with the Fromm.
After reading about honing on SRP, I purchased a Norton 1000/8000 water stone and have tried to hone the blade into use as a comfortable shave. I have not had much luck. I have made progress, though. Before I began the honing/stropping process the razor wouldn't cut hair at all. I used the pyramid method with the Norton stone: 25 strokes on 1000 followed by 25 on 8000, 15 on 1000 and then 15 on 8000, 10 on each, 5 on each, 3 on each, then 1 on 1000 followed by 5 on 8000. At the end of this process the blade was definitely sharper, it now cuts the hair on my arm and leg (but requires more pressure than I feel comfortable with) and comes close to passing the hanging hair test (instead of cutting the hanging hair in two, it splits it down the middle). However, when comparing it to the disposable razor on the Dovo Shavette, the Fromm is still obviously inferior and not as sharp.
I'm wondering if I need to get a finer grit stone to polish the edge of the Fromm more. Or maybe I need to strop it with a paste of some sort. I read that 8000 grit is enough to sharpen a blade to shaving standard, but who knows? Anyways, if anyone has any input on this for me I would be very appreciative. I've been at this for over two years now and have yet to get a good shave out of my straight razor. Enough is enough.
Much appreciation and apologies for the long post.