Hi everyone. I'm just getting started with the whole straight razor deal. I'm still in the read everything and get even more confused phase. I'll most likely buy a razor come the New Year (if Santa brings me some $).
I started down this road by using a brush (boars hair) and shave soap. A simple, yet noticeable, improvement over how I was shaving. As always, I'm looking to improve, so here I am.
Does anyone have some useful thoughts you would like to share about Col. I. Konk products? I saw a starter set at a shop here in Denver for a decent price. It is a Dovo razor, strop, honing stone on a paddleboard. They were $200- $250, depending on which razor.
Other random things: I am learning to build bamboo fly rods, I enjoy just about anything in the mountains (fishing, hunting, 4x4, backpacking, camping, skiing, etc). So, if you are in CO, please drop me a line and give me an excuse to get to the hills.