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  1. #1
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    Unhappy cant get my razor-razor sharp!

    hi everyone,
    Just joined because i cant seem to get my razor to a sharpness that will do the hanging hair test or cut the stubble off my chin.
    let me explain,i am well into middle age and have been given a razor by a relative(a colombi number30 ),the razor was sharp,but after shaving it wasnt sharp enough to give me a close shave,so i used a multi blade to finish my shave.
    Decided to get it professional sharpned-whichi did,but after a couple of shaves it was back to its former self.
    I made a paddle strop,and a leather strop,used dovo green paste on one side of the paddle strop and a white pastewitha10,000grit rating to use as a touchup.Also purchased a aloxite number 200 razor hone.
    using lather and water on the hone must have done 300 passes-didnt inprove the edge at all,dontno what i am doing wrong ?
    Have not used the green dovo paste as i believe it is to aggressive.
    So 10/12 passes on the 10,000 grit pasted strop,followed by at least 300 on the aloxite still hasnt given me a true razor sharp edge ,
    My thoughts were that the aloxite razor hone and the pasted strop would have been a good enought combination to keep my razor keen.
    I would be gratful for any thoughts or advice that could inprove my chances of getting that shave,without having to outlay a fortune.
    regards clock.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clock View Post
    hi everyone,
    Just joined because i cant seem to get my razor to a sharpness that will do the hanging hair test or cut the stubble off my chin.
    let me explain,i am well into middle age and have been given a razor by a relative(a colombi number30 ),the razor was sharp,but after shaving it wasnt sharp enough to give me a close shave,so i used a multi blade to finish my shave.
    Decided to get it professional sharpned-whichi did,but after a couple of shaves it was back to its former self.
    I made a paddle strop,and a leather strop,used dovo green paste on one side of the paddle strop and a white pastewitha10,000grit rating to use as a touchup.Also purchased a aloxite number 200 razor hone.
    using lather and water on the hone must have done 300 passes-didnt inprove the edge at all,dontno what i am doing wrong ?
    Have not used the green dovo paste as i believe it is to aggressive.
    So 10/12 passes on the 10,000 grit pasted strop,followed by at least 300 on the aloxite still hasnt given me a true razor sharp edge ,
    My thoughts were that the aloxite razor hone and the pasted strop would have been a good enought combination to keep my razor keen.
    I would be gratful for any thoughts or advice that could inprove my chances of getting that shave,without having to outlay a fortune.
    regards clock.
    white paste is not sharpening compound -if you are talking about dovo white paste.
    aloxite hone 300 stokes too much.
    usually barber hones will not take more then 20 strokes on shave ready edge.
    in fact you should go 4 strokes strop and check the edge not enough do 4 more strokes ,strop check the edge so on
    but not 300.=this is honing.
    i would say go head check the edge if you have any loop,mic etc.
    if you don't have anything then go head
    use white paste and make 50 strokes then move on to linen do 50 then leather strop 50 and check the edge . how it will shave.hanging hair test is not the best test in your situation.
    if edge comes back then you should be ok if not
    i am afraid you will need to send it out or get hones to do job yourself.
    Norton 4/8k will do most like the job.
    hope this helps.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to hi_bud_gl For This Useful Post:

    clock (01-01-2011)

  4. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The dumb question I have is "What kind of razor is this we are discussing"

  5. #4
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    "What kind of razor is this we are discussing"
    In the text it says Colombi No. 30. Maybe made by Curten and Holtgen , Solingen?
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to welshwizard For This Useful Post:

    gssixgun (01-02-2011)

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    would you please post picture of the blade ?thank you

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    It is sort of like stepping up to a pool table for the first time,with a cue off the rack, and wondering why I can't bank the 8 ball on 3 rails and sink it in the side pocket on my first try. Honing ain't rocket science but, like shooting pool, it is an acquired skill. In some hands it is an art.

    That is why there are pages and pages of discussion , videos and tutorials on the topic on SRP. So I know you are discouraged but I can assure you that if you have a razor with quality steel and the right tools for the job you'll be able to realize a shave ready blade with the help of SRP members and the resources provided.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    markevens (01-03-2011)

  10. #7
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    Thanks -like most things i suppose things appear to be easier than what they are,but as i thought the razor was sharpned professionally,i presumed that with strop paste,strop,and the odd touch up on the aloxite,that would be enoughh to get a clean shave-it will shave but not close.I presumed that extra passes on the hone would polish the edge to the ultimate edge.
    seems so much information it become to the point where you think you know what to do,but in my case am just getting more confused.

    regards clock.

  11. #8
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    What do you mean by professionally honed?

  12. #9
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    A suggestion from a newbie:

    . . . Simplify your tools, and work to a plan.

    The requirements for keeping a razor sharp are:

    . . . Some kind of fine-grained stone (your Aloxite barber hone would do nicely);

    . . . A "pasted strop", with abrasive paste (the Dovo "green paste" would
    . . . . do nicely);

    . . . a plain leather strop.

    A 10x jeweler's loupe ("diamond loupe", doublet or triplet lens) helps to see what you're doing, IMHO.

    My suggestion:

    . . . If the razor won't shave well, strop it 50 strokes on the plain leather strop;

    . . . If it still won't shave well, strop it 10 strokes on the green-paste strop (yes, it's
    . . . aggressive), followed by 50 laps on plain leather;

    . . . If it still won't shave well, give it 5 or 10 laps on the Aloxite,
    . . . followed by 5-10 laps on green paste,
    . . . followed by 50 laps on plain leather.

    If that doesn't work, you have three possibilities:

    . . . Your technique is faulty (you won't be the first person with problems);

    . . . The razor is _really_ dull, and needs to regress to a Norton 8K (or even coarser);

    . . . The razor is no good (if it's a vintage Solingen blade, that's unlikely).

    hi_bud_gl has suggested something similar, and he's sharpened lots of razors.


    PS -- there's a huge amount of information in the Wiki -- too much, sometimes, with too many options. My "method" is only one out of many that will work. And I have borrowed liberally from others.

  13. #10
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    Thanks for the advice-will try what you have suggested today.
    regards clock.
    p.s the blade is a vintage solingen(the tang is stamped-madefrom kayser ellison and co-s best sheffield silver steel.
    the box is green with the words colombi trade mark solingen nu 30.
    the scales are cream in perfect condition with what looks like tw0 birds with there beaks pressed together with colombi directly below in a pale green logo surrounded in a silver outlined triangle.
    I dont know anything about the razor so hope this helps.

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