
My name is Casey and I hail from a suburb of Portland, Oregon. I'm a student of 22 at Portland State University and am an English major with an AA. I love literature of several forms; mythology, graphic novels, classics (kafka, russian lit, some early American, etc), horror (particularly H.P. Lovecraft and Poe... King can be good), classic science fiction, and some comedy and satire. Besides literature, I love playing my bass and acoustic, an occasional video game or movie... Yeah... and sleeping

I have been recently indulging in older fancies such as straight shaving and classic attire. I picked up a straight razor and strop from Ruprazor.com. Great site! However, I have just begun to shave. I have literally only shaved twice and wasn't able to finish. The first time, I was a little nervous and felt a bit faint so I had to stop ofter about half of the first side. The second time I was much more confident but it didn't seem like the blade was taking off much. I stropped it both times before and after but it just didn't seem to cut it. Any advice? I've seen a few videos on youtube...

I'm excited to learn and figure out this new hobby and practice of mine.
