Hi I'm 30y old male from Poland (so please excuse my poor English)

My story:
I'm very, very fresh in straighrazor community. I was always fascinated by razors but never have time (or becouse of many other reasons) deepen my fascination. Up till now. As i said i'm rookie here i have bought few razors on flea market, bunch of stones and other maintaince tools.
I cleared blade, sharpen endge and tried to shave myself... and i was in love... painful love (razor wasn't sharp enought) so that probably save me from cutting of my nose, ears and lips and slitting my throat. Anyway now i'm here to deepen my knowledge about straightrazors. I want to have nice collection of blades (they are so pretty, shiny) i want to learn where to look for old straightrazors and how to restore them and such. Which straight razors are good to buy and which to avoid... I want to have huuuuge collection of straightrazors

Anyway Hi and thanks for reading this
Lukasz aka yogurd