My grams has been up my a** to register here for days - my fault tho for talking about wanting to shave w/a straightrazor every time she's ever said, "you need a shave, sonny!" (at least twice a day - and I shave twice a day almost every other day!) and thats going back to when I was 16 or so and, back then, at least, I was only kidding about the straightrazor. So I guess she's heard that about 398,087 times and she never got that I was ever kidding about the straightrazor, in the first place and at some point I guess I brainwashed myself til I wasn't kidding anymore. I see she's registered here, herself, already so I guess I need to say that, "While grams (reg'd as "honeybern" at SRP) is primarily under my care, she has not assigned her power of attorney to anyone and she navigates the internet on her own accord and I am not responsible nor liable for anything she says or does to anybody about anything." (don't ask)