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Thread: Starter: Perth Western Australia
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02-09-2011, 11:49 AM #1
Starter: Perth Western Australia
Hello to all!
First and foremost thank you to everybody who has posted threads on reviews and answered questions on a huge variety of subjects. Before registering as a member I have spent many hours perusing the forums on learning more about Straight Razor Shaving.
I have never owned or attempted to shave with a straight razor however it has always appealed to me. My drive to learn more about it stemmed from the bathroom where I was sick and tired of spending large amounts of money on cartridges for Mack3's and the like (name your brand!!) that dull very quickly and then put up with a poor subsequent shaves to try and at least get value from the $$$ spend on the expensive cartridges. So annoyed I have gone back to budget BIC razor which provide a closer shave if one takes his time.
Since reading I have ordered a DOVO Bismark, a 3" "Big Daddy" Latigo strop and styptic pencil. As well as a cheaper Gold Dollar Straight Razor to practice stropping.
In excitement I have melted down a $2 shaving soap stick into an old puter mug my grandfather bought me when I was a small tacker. I have been using this to lather up with a basic brush before shaving with my budget BIC razor.
I am a Police Officer here in Perth and as such am required to be cleanly shaven for work. I can't wait to start practicing!
My only questions would be.
On the DOVO UK website it says all razors come honed and ready to go.
So do I just strop and get into it?
Do I need a strop paste initially or treat the strop when I get it?
I gather you strop before each shave?
What period of time would I be looking at to have the blade honed again?
Thanks again guys... and if any of you are local and happen to be blood group O+... get down to the Red Cross and donate 'cos I might need it.
Kind Regards
ChrisLast edited by baldie; 02-09-2011 at 12:14 PM. Reason: text error