Hi everyone! My name is Brandon and im ready to be addicted to straight razor shaving. I already am and have not even started straight razor shaving yet. I just bought a vander hagen luxury soap set. Also a dovo shavette to start off with. I dont have a lot of money so I need to save up for a good razor. I got my eye on a dovo best quality 5/8 razor. But I want to learn shaving with a perfect blade each time. SO i believe this will be a good start. So that way any errors will be on me and not the razor. I have been reading and watching videos on this art. A lot of reading to be exact. Im so excited. I should get the razor in the mail about 3 days from now. I dont like the multiblade razor i currently shave with. Its a gillette fusion. I never have liked them cause they give me in grown hairs. I cant wait to spend some good quality time shaving. Taking my time wont be an issue with me. This is gonna be fun. Wish me luck.