Just want to say hello and a big thanks for all the information that's been shared here. I decided to jump into straight razors after getting more and more fed up with these cheese graters that they keep releasing. I'm hardly old, but I can remember well Gillete's commercials going from two blades, to three, to four (at which point either MadTV or SNL did a parody of that with a 12 blade razor that gives the closest shave by slicing off your hair and your skin)... but Gillete didn't' stop and added the fifth blade! And now it also vibrates and has a sixth 'precision' blade. :\

Anyhow, I kept trying to find the most simple one with the least amount of blades and stuck to the 3 blade one for as long as I could, but even that was bad. I had to make about 10 passes, and then have my skin burn for the next day to get a decent shave. I always kept joking that I'll just go back to those straight razors like in the old days to get a decent shave... and did researched a couple of times, but the prices were putting me off for a while... well, my GF gave me a nice push and now I (almost) have everything I need. Received my Dovo and strop from SRD yesterday (slightly annoyed that the customs dared to open it... probably thought I tried to import a sword or something considering the shape of the box. ) and just waiting on the delivery of soap and a brush...

With all that said though, I read up quite a bit here first to make sure I know what I was getting... the advices here are amazing, and I got through my first shave (using the crappy canned shaving gel) without any blood loss. I needed to do quite a few extra passes in some places, but I can already feel the difference and am actually excited to shave for the first time since... well, probably since I hit puberty.