Hello gentlemen,

So here I am.

I'm a french boy, 30 yo, wet shaving for nearly 2 years : with a DE first (a merkeur progress and a Gilette Slim), a then with straight razor for two months (with a J.Allen non XLL 5/8, full hollow, and a vintage Peroux-Cognet made in Thiers, i've had from my girlfriend's grandfather...)

Really enjoying it!

I registered because i'm triying to restaure (fix?) some old rusty blades, making scales, and all the job around this...

So any help is welcome, as I am a beginner, & I think I'm going to spend some time in the restoration forum...

And the wiki is really great!

Well I think i've told everithyng, but will gladly answer to any question you could wan't to ask... (on french straight razors for exemple, or about anything else...)

See you soon!


Ps. I hope my english isn't that bad, so you can understand me right.