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  1. #1
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    Default Hi from Hampshire in the UK

    Hi all from Andover, Hampshire in the UK,

    Been wondering around the internet looking at straight razors, old/new, expensive/cheap and found this site and thought I would stop and request and say hello. Bottom line is I am currently taken with the idea of getting a straight razor, leather strop et al and using on a regular basis. Probably not everyday but semi regular dependant on time available etc.

    Some background - ex-British military so shaved every working day for circa 24 years until I left in 2004 so extremely used to wet shaving. Still shave daily on weekdays but now highly frustrated with the standard blades etc available from main outlets regarding cost etc. Recently taken to 'cleaning' blades to extend their life (brushing backwards on towel as shown readily on Youtube) and this appears to work for me to some extent in prolonging life of disposables.

    I don't think this is a fad but have never used a straight razor before, although I have been shaved on several holidays in Turkey and greatly enjoyed the experience. I have now got hold of a reasonably priced entry level razor and strop to get me started with a view to investing a bit more on something more substantial if I get on with the process.

    I have looked around ebay and picked up a couple of razors in need of some TLC (and more!!) and am strongly taken with the idea of restoration. Far more interested than I thought I would be to be perfectly honest. The idea of taking something that has become a bit jaded and neglected and restoring to anywhere near a previous glory is extremely appealing to me. I have followed the restoration threads to see the process and seen several videos on the site and Youtube etc by members of this and other sites.

    I expect I will be back on many occasions to review advice already provided and maybe ask a question or two of my own so look forward to the interaction in the future.

  2. #2
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Welcome from a fellow Brit!

    It sounds like you have jumped in with both feet which I great! Check out the Workshop forum for restoration tips and advice and links to useful sites. If you're looking for suppliers in the UK let me know and I can point you in the right direction!

    Also have a look at the Wiki links in my sig line as they'll really help you too.

    Finally there is a London Razorcon this month (16th July) which you should come along to if you're around. There's a thread on it in the Get togethers forum. Hopefully see you there...!

    There will be a load of different things going on from honing to restoration and more kit than you can shake a stick at. Should be a great day!

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  3. #3
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Hi Murielson,
    Great to see you here. As a new member myself, I can tell you you're in the right place for lots of information. I wish I was in London (home town, but currently expat) for the London Razorcon.

    Hope to read about your progress, keep us posted.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the welcome Stubear.

    The 'rush' descended on me a few weeks ago and I have been wandering around several sites for several weeks now. Great stuff in the Wiki and the Beginners Guide but I haven't done the FAQ just yet so will give that a go too.

    Will have a look at the Razorcon thread and see if I can make it.

  5. #5
    Senior Member chipvj's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard! Once you start you won't ever go back to the old ways. And you will look forward to shaving every day. I just wish my beard grew faster.


  6. #6
    Housebound Bum ! ianp1966's Avatar
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    welcome from a bit further north

  7. #7
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    Welcome and hello from sunny (for a change !!) Hastings

    Have fun !

    Best regards


  8. #8
    Senior Member tekbow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ianp1966 View Post
    welcome from a bit further north
    And further again


  9. #9
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    A big welcome to you from across "The Pond".

  10. #10
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    Thanks all. This is infectious and I am still at the research phase!!

    I have a razor and strop that I haven't used yet so that I must do but the refurbishment idea has me well and truly hooked. Wife caught me looking at vibratory tumblers the other day and the term 'boys toys' was used again (she knows me too well!!).

    Hand sanding, pin removal and replacement are the main topics I am currently burued into and thoroughly enjoying the research. Maybe the sore hands later may change my mind but if it worth doing it sometimes takes a bit of effort (and pain) I guess.

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