Hey guys,

My name is Eric and I'm a college student. Been out of the military for a few years now and using up my GI Bill. I'm huge into riding my motorcycles. I just picked up DE razor shaving about two weeks ago. I have several vintage Gillette razors now. I got sucked in by the coolness of old stuff and things that can be used today that were made generations ago. I'm into things that are built well and last and that can be passed down. I have a shaving cabinet being made now that I will hopefully pass down one day. I'm shaving with a 1959 Super Speed right now. I'm searching for the right razor blade and testing out shaving patterns for my beard. I just have this itch to get into straight razors. I don't have one as of yet. Been doing lots of research trying to find out what I can about things and checking out new, used, and used vintage razors and their prices. I've viewed this thread a lot and trying to take in the information. Any input is more than welcome and greatly appreciated!