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Thread: New Member

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  1. #1
    Junior Member GOLDCREST's Avatar
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    Hello everyone..My name is William and i live in West Yorkshire in the UK...

    I've been a DE shaver for very many years..and I'm wondering about "dipping a toe" as it were in the water of Straight Razor Shaving......Shaving is about enjoyment as far as I'm concerned.. a "Hobby" and not the chore it used to be many years ago....

    I did have one VERY brief foray into Straight Shaving many years ago with my Grandfathers Taylors Eyewitness straight....Very scary and not very successful I might add.

    I'm sure you will be able to point me in the right direction..and I hope I can contribute in some small way in return...

    Regards William

  2. #2
    Senior Member dyimages's Avatar
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    Good Morning William,

    I am sure your dip into straight shaving will be far more successful this go around as your in the right place seeking advice before you start. Do you still have your Grandfathers Taylor? The keys to success are going to be a sharp razor, proper beard prep and a little bit of patience. Read through the wiki on getting started and ask as many questions as you can. You are lucky too as there are a fair number of members from the UK and finding local support seems to be one of the biggest keys to getting success early on.

    Welcome to the sight and enjoy the journey

  3. #3
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    We are quite glad to have you. There are some great chaps from your neck of the woods, please check out the communtiy tab above, then hit the Google Map ME. Try to find one that has been at it a while and make a connection with a couple of them. I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't mentor you. If I can be of assistance from accross the pond, please don't hesitate to PM me. There is a lot of information here that can jumble the noodle a bit, but if you stick with the Stickies at the top in red and the wikipedia you will do fine. Following the threads may be a bit confusing as there are more than one way to skin the proverbial cat. All it takes is a true "shave ready" razor (please stay away from ebay for a while for any and all supplies), a strop, a quality shave soap, and a brush. Please check out the vendors & the classified's here on this site and there is one other that comes to mind from your neck of the woods:
    Last edited by ScottGoodman; 08-29-2011 at 01:59 AM. Reason: Bad Link
    markdfhr likes this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  4. #4
    Junior Member GOLDCREST's Avatar
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    Thank you for the warm welcome Guys....I unfortunately don't have Grandfathers Taylor's Eyewitness anymore ...I only wish I did....It was a beautiful old Razor ...Full hollow ground with honey coloured horn scales..He always shaved with it when I was a boy...using Yardley shaving soap in the round wooden tubs....but thats well over half a century ago.........So I shall be starting from scratch.....Well apart from the Badger brush and soaps, various and assorted that I already use on a daily basis with my Merkur Double edged razors...........See if we can teach this old dog a few tricks.

    Any recommendations for a straight razor to start off with?....It might as well be one of reasonable quality, as my Son will doubtless try it one day...he already has aspirations towards straight razor shaving...


  5. #5
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    I suggest you contact Neil Miller of the Strop Shop He'll see you right.

  6. #6
    Junior Member GOLDCREST's Avatar
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    Thanks for that recommendation...I've just been looking at some of the stock on his Website.....that looks to be a very good starting point.

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