Hey there so i got this web site from the sales guy at Art of Shaving where i went to try and get started with straight razors! He was very helpful and answered a lot of the questions i had built up from the online research i had done! i got interested in using a straight razor from working on the musical Sweeney Todd, strange i know get interested in shaving with the thing a barber kills people with so they can make pies out of them, but alas i got a Dovo Shavette because i really know NOTHING about the honing and stropping process yet and figured stating with that could get me to learn the technique of the actual shaving process with out having to worry about the honing/stropping of a blade without knowing if it was correct or not! First shave with it was AMAZING! not gonna lie did cut myself, not to bad and not enough to not fall instantly in love with the straight razor!!! However now im wanting to buy an actual "Cut Throat" and am at a TOTAL loss at where to start! any help would on what a good starter razor is/what you guys started with would be great!!!!! Thanks and really looking forward to this new found love!!!!