Greetings from near Tucson, AZ!

I'm a computer tech and just recently did some trade work for a hair stylist / barber near my house. She got me a shaving kit and a straight razor (the injector style with replaceable blades). I've had a lot of fun so far nicking my face! hehe.

I think that I will stick with only straight razors, as I got sick of my electric and I don't like having to pay huge sums of money for those other kind of razors.

The next step I need to take is to buy an actual straight razor, and a honing stone and strop. I was hoping that maybe some local folks would be able to point me in the right direction; I have been sharpening knives by hand since I was a boy scout, so I am familiar with using a stone to sharpen blades but I am sure that honing a straight razor is different. Just looking for some guidance I suppose.

Good to meet you all, and I hope to have some advice soon.
