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Thread: All new to me
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10-16-2011, 11:34 AM #1
All new to me
Hi hallo to all you straight razor fans, I am abit green when it comes to straight razors (well shaving myself with one) but was introduced to the plesure when I was young and living in spain. Recently a turkish barbers opened close to me and offered this as a service and with a stout beard found again the true feeling of freesh and clean shaven. So I thought how hard can it be ? I purchased a shavette from the barber along with 100 blades. with a "knowing" smile my barber wished me good luck. Well 100 little nicks later I am still here shaving with it but bleeding alot less. I have now invested in a couple of classic straight razors still in the repair stages at the moment (will post pictures later) I am hopeing to make my own scales for these. but one I purchased was almost shave ready so a quick hone and strop last night and what a pleasure it was to use this morning! And so much easyer than the shavette. I love the chance to spend that little bit of the day on me. I also feel this combines my love of working with real materials wood, horn, bone etc with that schoolboy part of me that loves knives and sharpening things. This has changed what was a chore into an absolute pleasure. I now look forward to meeting you all and learning more about straight razors . Any hints, tips or tricks will be gladly received thanks.
10-16-2011, 12:55 PM #2
Hi, and welcome to SRP.
A proper shave at the barber's sure is a treat
Like you, I started on a shavette, but soon moved on to the real deal.
I would recommend you send one of those razors out to be professionally honed. That way you'd know what to aim for, and get good shaves while learning to restore and hone yourself.
Browsing the wiki and the various sub-sections on here is great fun, and filled with years and years of our collective experiences.
Good luck with your new found hobby, and please keep us posted as you go alongBjoernar
Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....
10-16-2011, 01:23 PM #3
Couldn't agree with you more Berty. Only have 40 or so shaves under my belt myself, but learn a little with each new nick, and find myself looking forward to the next shave before my face is dry from the last one.
10-16-2011, 02:56 PM #4
BB, Hearty welcome.
"This has changed what was a chore into an absolute pleasure."
This is what its all about. I don't think anyone could really add anything of substance to that one statement.
My screen name was chosen from my early shaving experiences - you're in good company. We learn, we get better. The joy remains.
10-16-2011, 06:19 PM #5
Thanks to all you guys for makeing me feel so welcome. have now purchased two Brookes & Crooks bell razors and one Johnathan Crookes pistol heart and a whole load of assorted blades in vairying states of 'diss' repair. I have been both an engineer and a carpenter in my life and am now looking for a hobby that i can do in a small shed so scale maker / blade restorer it is ! hopefully soon I will be able to show off my repairs / recreations to you all and just maybe add somthing of interest to the classified section of SRP !
ps. have been shaving with shavette every day for nearly a year now so getting quiet good at it . I use old blade for first WTG shave replace blade then shave CTG then run my hand around my face and catch those few last prickly bits ATG. must admit had a gotee when I first started to make things abit easyer. but must say a shavette teaches you what sharp is. would be happy if I can maintain a straight as good though people say a well honed and stroped straight is sharper. Do you agree ?