Hello to everyone. I am new the straight razor, but I have come across this forum on many of my searches about the subject.
I guess I hadn't thought of a straight razor in years until I came across an old strop that belonged to my Grandfather in a recent move.
He was a stern old farmer, but one thing I remember about him is that he did everything right, so it sparked my interest. The strop is nothing special ,an Illinois , but as it seems to have had little use I would guess it was the last one he owned .
I would like to say I had one of his old razors, but I'm guessing his last wife's family ended up with those years ago.
After my interest was sparked I bought an old no name square point from an antique shop for 15 dollars, as I didn't care to spend the money for a new one that I wasn't even sure I'd have the skill or guts to use.
I honed ,and stropped it the best I could ,and I have been very surprised at how well and close it shaves.
It is a good shaver, but being a novice I hadn't counted on the square edge being so touchy. Quite a few cuts later I decide to buy one with a rounded point.
A 20 dollar Joseph Rodgers and Sons is what I came up with, but the jury is still out on that one.
Anyway I am happy to be here, and look forward to learning about what, now some would consider an artform.