Hi. Just joined the site. I've been using straight razors for about 4 months now and it's turned a dull chore into a job I actually enjoy. Of course having a couple of great TI razors has helped. I started with a Temperite by Case and Sons, but found the square point a little to happy to slice me without warning. I then bought a Dovo stainless steel with a round point at a very reasonable price. This was terrible until I ran it over my whetstones a few hundred times. After having great success with this razor and really starting to get a feel for it, I decided to treat myself to a more upmarket blade. But ended up with 2 from TI. Both are great blades and came truly shave ready. I am now getting the hang of the second pass ATG, but still get the odd follicle bleed.
If anyone could give me any tips to help alleviate the bleeds or let me know whether it's just a matter of time for my skin to get used to the shave, that would be great.
Unfortunately, I think I may have developed a bug to just keep buying razors. I keep looking at different sites and manufacturers, with the thought 'I like the look of that one, maybe I'll buy it' going through my head, and then have to pull myself away before spending all my money lol.
I would like to know if there are any really good custom makes around at sensible prices?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.