Good Mornin' All!!

I come to you all and your wealth of knowledge and wisdom in hopes of learning the art of shaving with a straight razor. Lately, and by lately I mean within the past few years, as I get a little older, I have begun to appreciate some of the older, simpler ways. I was first introduced to "alternative" shaving methods through an article in "Bicycling" magazine. Being a cyclist myself I was intrigued by an article discussing leg shaving, the reasons for it, and different methods. One of the razors discussed was a Rolls, which I eagerly found on eBay and purchased. It was in very good condition, but even after some honing on the provided stone, it didn't seem to do a very good job, and it irritated the heck out of my skin. I then purchased a "New Old Stock" blade for my Rolls, still in the original package, paper, and cosmolene, or whatever that substance was on the blade. Now I was ready to really enjoy . . . well, not quite. After a couple attempts at shaving, my face, not my legs, all I ever seemed to do was really irritate my face. I presumed this was due to a razor blade that for whatever reason, age, etc., still wasn't truly sharp, so I sent it to a razor sharpening service I found on the web, anxiously awaited its return, and couldn't wait to try it upon its arrival, only to find the same result again, only with a better shave. So my question is this, is there even a "proper" way to shave with a Rolls? I have since purchased a boar bristle brush, (I like the stiff feel on my face), a bowl and some "Whiskey" shave soap from Portland General Store, and I really enjoy that part of the experience, but if I can't figure out the Rolls, that makes me very weary about trying a straight razor. Oh, and by the way, I have purchased three razors, before I found your site, from eBay, one a Wade & Butcher for $14.50, a W.H. Morley for $25.00, and just bought a J.R. Torrey for $4.25, but the Torrey wasn't in great shape, but I figured I could use it to learn/practice honing. I'm very excited about learning the whole process, but the experience with the Rolls still scares me, so this is my inaugural post, and I look forward to whatever help is out there . . . Thank You All!!