Hello all my name is Mike and I live on the space cost in central Florida.
I am new to straight razor shaving about 3 months, My main razor is a Thiers Issard Horned handled razor I think its a 8/7. I'm in to honing and have bought a half dozen old razors that are in real nice condition to practice on with the honing 8k,6k,4k,1k,800 grit water stones. with the honing I got up to the hanging hair test with most of my razors, bevel setting and polishing, stropping and using the linen side of the strop with some diamond past. And about a thousand hours of watching you tube and reading about the craft has resulted in the best most fun/comfortable shaves in my life. So I think its time to join the forum and say hi .

What a Great Feeling to not have razor rash, easily remove my wire hard beard with little effort and the feeling after a incredibly close shave that dosent hurt in any way. where has this been my hole life, shaving every day even in the Army with a plastic disposable razors? what the hell?