I just wanted to check in and say hi. My name is Don and I live in Gridley, a small town about sixty miles North of Sacramento Ca. I wish I had found this site a while back, I could have saved myself some problems. They say you learn from mistakes, if that's so, I should be a genius by now. I've always been fascinated by straight razors, I bought one in "85" in a haberdashery in Mendocino and tried using it. It gave me a good chance to brush up on my first aid skills, I was young, and in a hurry. Now being older, hopefully wiser and definitely moving slower, I've gotten back into straight razors. I've learned the perils of Ebay. But, while there I happened across someone in Tenn. that restores razors and learned a lot through him. Ended up buying a razor from him, and I love it. From watching videos, and reading posts here, I've broken some of my bad habbits and am now able to sharpen a razor! I actually look forward to shaving now, still getting the hang of it, but it's coming along quite well. I've always been a fan of old things, workmanship, quality and practicality. I feel a straight razor embodies all those. I've always been obsessed with things being sharp, and this is perfect for me. I do have a question. My shaver I'm using is a F.A. Clauberg, Tonsorial Gem. But, one of my Ebay aquisitions I can't find too much information on. Anyone familiar with a Baltzly Co, Tuscora? It's moving up in the ranks and trying to edge out, pun intended, the Clauberg as my favorite. All I found was the Baltzly Drug Co, which started in Massillon Ohio in 1869. Anyone know a little more?

Thanks for having me, Don Vieira