Right - after just having had a shave, I thought I might as well introduce myself...

Name's Ade Baumann, I live in Biel/Bienne (Switzerland) and work as a webserver admin in the Swiss civil service. I'm married to the best wife in the world and have two wonderful sons (3.5y and 4 months). In the past, I usually had a full beard, except when visiting my wife's home (Ireland), where I often went to a barber for a nice shave with a straight razor. They stopped doing these some years ago though... So when a local knife shop started their closing down sale, I went in and asked the fateful question... "Do you have any straight razors?"...
Turns out the only thing they had was a crappy Pakistani - good thing I didn't like the looks of the scales. Ended up buying a shavette, which I quite enjoyed using... since then, I've become proud owner of an Utica Red Point from WhippedDog and a red-scale Bismarck and there's an unused Dorko from a collector in the post... eh... is there any precaution I can take against catching RAD in this forum?

Anyway, I'll probably be lurking mostly... but do expect me to stick my head up every now and then
