Hay all, name's Billy aka Halvard.

I am 19, from Long Island New York, and a recent convert to Straight Razor shaving.
Few months ago I decided I was tired of constant razor burn from those stupid 5 blade contraptions, putting unknown chemicals which produce a radioactive looking orange goo on my face, and changing out the cartridge every few weeks, or less. so I went to Amazon (mistake), and started looking through their razors. I found one that looked good, the Buckingham and sons (BIG mistake), which came with a 'strop'. I also ordered the Van Der Hagen premium shave set, a boar hair brush, cake of soap, and simple but nice dish, overall that was a good buy. I also got a styptic pencil because my hands often shake.
After a few days of the Buckingham and sons doing basically nothing, and having to use my mach whatever turbo monster, I ordered a barber's hone off ebay, it arrived, tried sharpening the Buckingham, didn't get anywhere,
That was a few months ago, much more recently I decided to give straight shaving another chance, but use the SRP forums. I quickly found a company for the razor which seemed to fit my needs, Dovo. And a company for the strop which did the same, RupRazor. Along with placed to buy both of them Dovo from ClassicShaving, and RupRazor from the manufacturer, RupRazor.
I ended up choosing a Dovo 'Bismark' 6/8 and from ruprazor I got The Filly. When they arrived I immediately stropped, lathered up, and went to work.
The difference between a very sharp blade, like a Dovo, and a glorified box cutter, like the Buckingham, is amazing. I have never had a more pleasingexperience than using my Dovo. Now rather than just seeing shaving as another thing to do in the morning, I see it as a sort of..waking up ritual to look forward to.
Sorry if that was a bit wordy, either way, very much looking forward to interacting with all of you in the future
~Billy "Halvard" Friedman