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Thread: Now I'm really into Straights

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Now I'm really into Straights

    Hi Guys,

    Some of you may know me from my replating and restoration antics on other forums, but now I'm into Straight Razors, I thought I should join you guys here too.

    Never one to do things by half - 'Getting into Straights' for me involves the whole shebang, so now I'm restoring, honing, using and of course collecting vintage Straights. Possibly surprisingly the aspect that took the longest for me to master was actually learning to shave with a Straight.

    I honed a few vintage straights and because I couldn't shave with them, I sent one off to be properly honed. When that one came back I found that I couldn't get a decent shave with this either.

    The mistake I was making was trying the Straight on weekends (when I thought I had more time) then going back to the Safety during the week.

    For a time I was working from home, so I stuck at the straight every morning, then one day, it all seemed to come together - great shave and that was it - hooked!

    So pretty early on, I could produce a decent edge - I just didn't know how to use it, so couldn't measure the quality.

    So, I'll need another cabinet or two to keep straights in now.

    Being from England, should I be calling these 'open razors' - I read somewhere that 'Straight' was the term used in the US?

    Anyway, Straight, Open or Cutthroat - I love them all.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Dave. Your experience is typical in that we begin thinking it will be a simple procedure and find that we need to develop our skills in order to get good shaves. IME it just keeps getting better and better. Enjoy !
    jaswarb likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Welcome........we love photos.

    Don't be embarrassed to show and tell and brag a little.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Don't be embarressed is a bit of an understatement. We LOVE when we get to see pictures, be proud of them!

  5. #5
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    Oh well,

    I just picked us an outstanding horn handled razor in original mahogany case with outer card box. I would estimate it to be late 1700s (by the blade and scale shape etc) so I'll post pictures soon :-)

    It looks to be virtually unused and still shaves arm hairs. Haven't tried shaving with it though.
    parkerskouson likes this.

  6. #6
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Hi Dave, nice to see you here
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