It is now seven years I am into straight razors, a passion which is not only about shaving, but also collecting and restoring. To me, shaving with a straight razor it is part of a lifestyle, to take my time, to savor the pace of time and to feel it, with no hurry.
I love searching for and buying old razors, which I eventually restore and hone with the insane impatience of using them for shaving. My collection is currently made of 51 items, belonging to different era and made from different producers. I also love experimenting with anything related to shaving, including a self production of soaps and aftershaves.
Before getting into straight razors, in my skin passed many shaving tools, including the "barbaric" electric shaver, as well as a long series of "disposable" razors, including the razors with a disposable cartridge: a perfect way to make producers rich who, in return, will release new disposable razors - they say better and modern - with the obvious goal of making profits at your expenses.
The turning point happened when I found in a drawer my father's old razor, a double edge Gillette Flair Tip Rocket, made at the end of 1950, having some signs of time, however perfectly working and in very good shape. The temptation of cleaning it and to bring it to a new life was strong, also because of emotional reasons.
Thanks to the Flair Tip Rocket, I realized there was a different way of shaving: not just cheaper (blades, you know, are far cheaper than cartridges) but also, and most important, more effective. Soon after the first shaving I started reconsidering, not with a happy feeling and certainly with an evil grin, the disposable razor I was using at that time (seven years ago, almost eight), something which was destined to disappear - forever - from my bathroom and from my face.
To the Flair Tip Rocket I owe the sparkle which started my passion and interest for the noble art of shaving: few days later I bought a straight razor. A type of razor I had never used in my life and had no idea of how I should use it: I admit I had the scaring idea of seeing my face full of scars, with blood painting my face. Of course, I cut myself in the beginning, mostly nicks: I guess that was the price for an absolute beginner, luckily, no scars.
Moreover, when I was I kid, I remember I was attracted by those "strange razors" in the hands of barbers or in certain movies, enchanted by their skill of moving the blade, with quick and sharp gestures, in the faces of clients.
My very first straight razor has been a Dovo 101 "Best Quality" 6/8, a razor I still own and use, although it is not my favorite one, it however is - in my opinion - a pretty good razor, in particular for beginners.
Therefore it arrived the insane mania of searching for old razors to be restored and honed, therefore the purchase of hones, as well as materials to be used to replace broken parts, tools for making scales and many more.
I finally discovered this hobby and this art were more expensive than cartridges and double edge blades. However, I discovered the satisfaction of an impeccable shave by using a real razor, although I am aware of the fact I did not make it, but - in a sense - I contributed to bring it back to life after tens of years of oblivion, still capable of proving to be the best after more than a century.

Well gentlemen, this is priceless. Long life the Straight Razor!

By the way: I am Italian and I was born and live in Perugia, Umbria, the green heart of Italy.