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Thread: A pritty much lost norwegian.

  1. #1
    Junior Member eivohan's Avatar
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    Default A pritty much lost norwegian.

    Hi, I discovered this forum when I was searching for...hmmmm... straigt razors?
    I live in Harstad, north of Norway. 36 years old, but still looking good, yet...
    Here we are 23 500 fishermen and polarbear hunters who are nearly blinded by the midnight sun in the summer, and who cant see anything in the wintertime when the sun is gone for apprx 3 months......
    No we are not but some tend to think so.
    Here we live of... hmmmm... I dont know really...each other?
    But we have everything we need, especially bad roads. But we get along. We also have an airport, to many soccerfields, to few horses, A ski-center, a harbour for the Coastliner, which in Norway are called the fastliner, which is a lie. In the early days around 1880 it might have been fast, but no longer

    I am looking for a straigt razor, and hopefully I wont cut my head of the first time I use it.

    Is ebay safe for buying?

    This Damaskus is probably to cheap and too "good" to be true?

    N.MIRZA CUSTOM MADE DAMASCUS STEEL STRAIGHT RAZOR/KNIFE - eBay (item 220685162192 end time Nov-18-10 07:02:31 PST)
    This is extremely cheap, but a customer gave it a very good review...

    Empire - SHAVING STRAIGHT CUT THROAT RAZOR + STROP R on eBay (end time 21-Nov-10 22:09:51 GMT)

    And I dont know if I am allowed to post anything yet, so I take a chance on making a tread inside my presentation. I promise too read all your good stuff later

    I found this statement in the Cyril Salter razor tread which was impossible to get sharp: the razor, not the tread...

    :"As I do with all razors I get that have a less than perfect bevel I reset the bevel starting with 1.5K Shapton followed by a 5K Shapton, then Y/G Escher and eventually the Nakayama"

    Hmmm, you lost me at "perfect bevel"
    I only understand daily speech english...

    Whats a bevel?

    Whats a 1.5K Shapton? A honing stone?

    Y/G Escher?

    The Nakayama?

    Is it a good tread here for learning about stropping and honing?
    Some guys in here seems te be a bit frightened of honing and stropping.

    Sorry for beeing stupid, Im from Norway
    Last edited by eivohan; 10-30-2010 at 02:02 AM. Reason: Cosmetics

  2. #2
    Junior Member eivohan's Avatar
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    Thanks for answers
    I guess I go for the english Empire razor, its only 19.99£. Normal price told to be 69£, at least seller claims that. Its including a strop, and for me this is a fair deal. Seller got good rewiews from customer who was pleased after using it.

    I consider this afterwards if I can handle the straight razor

    DOVO STRAIGHT RAZOR - GENUINE EBONY & SILVER -NEW on eBay (end time 31-Oct-10 16:00:54 GMT)

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eivohan View Post
    Thanks for answers
    I guess I go for the english Empire razor, its only 19.99£. Normal price told to be 69£, at least seller claims that. Its including a strop, and for me this is a fair deal. Seller got good rewiews from customer who was pleased after using it.
    i don't know what is English Empire razor but please make sure you don't buy bad blade. we have name most of the bad blades in wiki. i don't know exact link.
    Try to check classified if you like to spend less money. you will find very quality blade in cheap price and shave ready.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP
    stay away from the ebay the package stuff is crap. I made that mistake. And wasted some money. Classifieds are good and ppl on the server wont steer you wrong.
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    eivohan (11-02-2010)

  6. #5
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. I'm sure you will find this a helpful and friendly lot, with lots of info and answers to all your questions. I'm a fellow norwegian, (I even know your hometown well) - and I'd be happy to provide any help I can. Just shoot me a PM if you like.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to str8fencer For This Useful Post:

    eivohan (11-02-2010)

  8. #6
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    Default I like THIS guy!

    Great sense of humor!

    Welcome to the forums.
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  9. #7
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    As I say in a lot of post I would buy your first razor from the classifieds here at SRP. You know that it is from someone who knows it is going to be used and generally they are shave ready sharp. If you buy an ebay razor it willl most likely be dull and your first experience will not be enjoyable.
    eivohan likes this.

  10. #8
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Hello Eivohan,

    And welcome onboard. Nice to see more Scandinavians here. Yep, even those from the north
    You'll get plenty of info from this sates, on probably all your questions will be answered, sooner or later.

    Lastly: You have so very beautiful country. I've been up there several times, and will be coming back again. I've always wanted to see the whales at Lofoten, but had a bad luck this far. Once i had some cat fish near Varanger fjord and it was one of the best meals i've ever tasted.
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    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
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  11. #9
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    Default Ebay advice

    Stick with the old vintage razors, do your homework. Then purchase.

    I picked up a Sumate Barbers razor from eBay, gave about $25.00 for it with shipping.

    I honed and stropped it out. It shaves great!

    But the new razors, Kreiger, and the like, I am leery.

    I may get a Beauty/Barber razor that is offered with the strop... You can always use the strop and use the other as a project i guess...
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  12. #10
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Buy from the classifieds here or one of the reputable vendors here and you cant go wrong.
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