Hello all,

I'm Graeme and I live about 9 miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland. I'm a recent convert to DE shaving which I am enjoying immensely but have fallen into the combined traps of the various acquisition disorders. Like many I suspect, cheap blades and saving money were the motivation to get started with a DE but then you come across all these wonderful new and vintage shiny things, brushes of every shape, size, colour and make, custom handles, endless luxuriant creams and soaps, a hundred a one different blades and so on and so forth. However, I've calmed down a lot and by many accounts, I'm not nearly as bad as some.

I do have a straight razor which is an old Marsh Bros. of Sheffield that I bought on eBay around 5 years ago but I never really got with it, however it certainly got on with me! Since starting to DE shave, I've often thought of sending the straight for proper honing/servicing then learning but I reckon I'll try and get a bit more experience under my belt and whittle down my kit before having a go.

Thanks for having me!