Hi everyone!

I've been interested in SR shaving for a couple years now. I read some articles on artofmanliness.com which lead me to a bunch of sites including this one. Right now I'm the shopping stage, so any and all advice is appreciated.

I grew up with the Mach 3, and last year moved on to a DE razor with the ultimate goal of going the SR route. Down the line I'd be interested in learning to hone, and maybe even go as far as making custom scales and/or forging a blade of my own.

But first thing's first: what to start with? Thanks to DE shaving, I've got a mug and brush and soap. A razor, a strop and I should be good to go. I've been looking at razoremporium.com, classicshaving.com, vintagebladesllc.com and now I have a problem: buy old or buy new? I hope to pass a razor or two down to my son (when I have one).

I shave only once every 3 days (Irish, Polish mix), so learning takes a while for me only because I don't get to practice as often as I'd like. With the Mach 3 (which I still use when I'm in a hurry) I only shave ATG once and I'm good to go. No cuts, no irritation. With the DE, I shave WTG, XTG, and ATG, and do almost as good a job as with the DE. Still no cuts or nicks, and very little irritation.

Artofmanliness.com suggested a beginner start out with a 5/8" razor, with a curved edge. I'm open to suggestions. Right now I'm leaning towards a Dovo razor.

Looking forward to joining the community!