Hi everyone, just a quick intro, been spending the past 2 weeks on this and other sites learning about straight razors, ect.

I have now got to the point where I was really dissatisfied with the shaves that I have been getting with the disposables and also from the two electric razors that I own, so time to change tactics.

I used to use one of those shavette style razors when I was younger and before I was married and don't know exactly why I switched over to the twin blade disposable types. I think it was possibly because of the time restraints, quicker to hop into a shower in the morning with the disposable razor and didn't even need a mirror to see what I was doing, not a great shave but passable. Now that I have retired I have more time to enjoy life.

So now I have just ordered the Dovo 4580 Silver Steel razor 5/8 and also a Ozuku Asagi (Koppa) stone for the fine polishing after reading some reviews on this website about them both, still need to get a 4k/8k Norton or similar stone or a welsh slate to do the basic sharpening/beveling if needed and a strop is also in the post. Reading up on the different sharpening stones gave me head spins, too much information and too many choices/brands, and the prices were astonishing for a piece of rock. But as the saying goes "if you want it then just suck it up!" At least if the rock is any good it should last me a lifetime of sharpening so it's a one off expense. I do have some old slates from my father but they are a bit too small for my liking.

I was hoping to get the razor from Straight Razor Designs as it would come pre-sharpened, but it appears that that site is out of stock of the ones I was interested in, so ended up buying one from an E-Bay seller in Poland of all places (where I was born) as they were one of two places that I found that have them in stock (supposedly) and at a reasonable price that I could live with, will see if it arrives soon.

Fairly certain that although there were mixed reviews on the net of the hit or miss production quality of Dovo razors nowadays, it will most likely serve me well once it is honed up and I figure out how to use it correctly, although I am still keeping an eye on a couple of nice used Boker's that have caught my interest on E-Bay, and I also really liked the look of the Dovo BERGISCHEN LOWE, but at this stage it was out of my budget and although it looks much nicer it probably won't shave any better than the Dovo I bought, maybe next Christmas Santa may bring one to me.
