I've been lurking here for well over a year now after googling my way into straight shaving.

Finally I've decided to join in, so I'll start off with this thread to introducte myself.
I'm a 25 year old programmer/IT-consultant living in Belgium. In june 2011 I got married and we now also have a 10-month old boy rolling (not crawling yet) around the house.

I've always been fond of a nostalgic way of living, even though my house is stuffed with electronics and I really enjoy hightech equipment and machinery.
Every now and then I need to get away from the stressed out world and that's where I decided to pick up pipe smoking about 3 years ago.

Soon after I also started making pipes in my free time, a hobby which I really enjoy. Besides pipemaking I'm also into underwaterhockey, snowboarding and the few reptiles that I own alongside with managing the Belgian/Dutch Pipesmokersforum over at pijprokersforum.be.

Through pipemaking I rolled into the world of straight razor shaving, and after more than a year I found the resources, time and courage to order my first SR which arrived 2 weeks ago. More on that in the correct subforum :-)

For your entertainment, a picture of the latest pipe I made: