Recently was given 5 vintage razors in great condition from 1930-1950s era, and had those professionally honed.

I was already using a double edge safety razor, soap/cream, brush, etc. because I found that my face was always breaking out using disposables and canned shaving cream.

I learned quickly not to rush with a SR, for the blade is unforgiving. BTW that's not really my photo, but if felt like it when I gave myself a nice slice that bled forever!

Current process:
Ivory soap scrubbed with washcloth in hot shower.
Exit immediately to basin.
Soap/Cream- currently enjoying Proraso green tube, Ogalla Bay Rum & Burnt Orange, Taylor of Old Bond Street Eton College, and Haslinger Sandalwood.
Slice & dice.
Ice water rinse.
Witchhazel splash.
Pacific Shaving Daily moisturizer or Jack Black 20 spf.

Thanks for the great resources of this board, and the informative discussions by the posters. I'm sure I'll have a bunch of questions in the future.

Best regards,