Hello and good evening from a not-so-sunny Brisbane, Queensland, Australia! May I just say to all and sundry that, as a relative novice to the fine art of straight shaving, it is a pleasure to see people from around the globe being more than helpful and embracing newcomers with open arms in such a well organised and informative forum. While I had been 'taught' about straight razor shaving by my grandfather some 23 years ago, I opted for the 'fast-food' variety, mass produced and disposable monstrosities flooding the marketplace today. I always wondered why I was nursing an almost constant razor burn and looked at shaving as a most unpleasant chore or avoided it entirely! After digging up my grandfathers old Ford and Medley 'ARROW' razor, I set about cleaning up and sharpening the old beauty. For an old and oft' neglected razor with an ever-so-slightly frowning blade, she cleaned up a treat! From my first shave with this razor after honing it (although what I'd consider ok and other would I've since learned is vastly different!!) I was a changed man! The straight razor bug has bitten and bitten hard ! I couldn't have even thought where to start cleaning this razor without visiting the SRP site so I am indebted not just for tips on a razor, but for helping restore a much loved and very sentimental heirloom... While the arrow is of limited serviceability due to age/wear, I'm now in the process of attempting to clean up a few nice little razors I've bought from here and there to shaving ready. Now I am pleased to say that my daily shave is a highly anticipated ritual. And the tools and paraphernalia - don't get me started!! I am literally a kid in a candy shop...