
I thought I'd introduce myself in the forums. I've been lurking SRP for a few years now. I was thinking up a user name.

Anyway, I'm a Firefighter Paramedic, but I'll be resigning that this fall to pursue a career in medicine (it's all in the profile). I recently bought my first straight razor. It's a 6/8" Dovo Masters' Blade. I just had my first straight razor shave with it as well. I've been studying videos and getting plenty of reading on the subject. I used to have a shavette. But, I'm ready for the big leagues now! I plan on getting another straight razor that I can restore to master honing. In the meantime, I'll be sending my Dovo off to be honed by a professional while I master my technique. Whew, that chin's a little tricky...

It's just a flesh wound...

I'm looking forward to some great conversations on SRP and letting all you guys teach me how to shave like a man.

