Hello everybody!
I've been SRing on and off for about 5yrs. Went full time around Nov last year. Guess I've just been brute forcing it cuz I apparently didn't have the brains to look for forums and the such. Then a couple months ago I ran into this place. WOW! What a gold mine of info and experiences! You guys rock! Each and every one!

Of course, before I found this place I only had a couple of vintage razors handed down, a matched set of Bismarks I bought new, and some old Williams shave soap and brush I bought at CVS! Now? Several hundred $$ less, pre-shave, post-shave, about 10 types of soap/cream, AS, an Alum block ( I love that thing!), and three more SRs!!! AND, to top it off, my shaves are better!!!

i love SRing! It's my morning zen. I zone out and enjoy every part of it ( except the frustration when something goes wrong and you have to wait a day to try it again!)

anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and "thanks!"